Scan a directory in python35
As one of my daily works, checking files from simulation results is of course my practical need. Therefore, I am always interested in using different ways to do it. One of my previous post, “checking_files_in_subfolders_using_power_shell” was on how to use power shell in windows 10 to do this job. Here I am going to test other ways that I used even before powershell script.
1 find
This is a Linux command and it is actually my first way to iterate folders to find files, since the operation system I work with in Supercomputer is Linux.
find . -name '*.o' -type f -print -exec rm -rf {} \;
2 ls + pipeline
In order to let the Supercomputer to execute your code, users want to use a job scheduler system (one execution of your code on supercomputer was called a job). The job scheduler system allows you to use a script to submit your job to it. Inside this submission script, you sometimes want to incorporate some operations on files. For example, if you want to generate and submit 1000 jobs based on 1000 molecular structure data files in a folder or some thing like this, you are unlikely to do this with manual input.
Certainly, you need a script to the iteration job.
for file in `ls -1d *.pdb | sed 's/.gjf//g'`
"some operations"
3 python3
Using python is a completely personal choice. You could use perl or ruby. The point is Bash, in my opinion, is bad in dealing with numbers/math calculations.
If you have some condition judgements that invovle numbers/calculations, you will see how tedious it is. For example, if you want to extract a number from some file and take some digits from this number, then after doing some substraction, multiplation, division, you got another number, which decide how many files in certain folder you should submit with your code.
You will find bash is not straightforward enough to carry out those calculations. So I chose python to do this job. You need
import os
def subdirs(input_dir):
for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(start_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.pdb':
#as a test to check the output
print("filename with full path:"+ os.path.join(parent,filename))
#carry out some calculation
def main():
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
4 python35
In python 3.5, there is a new feature/improvement: os.scandir. They changed the way Python iterates over the folders.
According to the PEP471, the way before, which is “os.walk()”, make unnecessary system calls, therefore slower than it should be. The new function “os.scandir()”, after optimization, is “8-9 times as fast on Windows and 2-3 times as fast as on POSIX systems”.
So the new function has the form
def subdirs(path):
"""Yield directory names not starting with '.' under given path."""
for entry in os.scandir(path):
if not'.') and entry.is_dir():
#carry out some calculation
5 other thoughts
Of course, if you add parallel processing into the script and/or, buffer cache, it will be even faster! But currently, I don’t have that requirement yet, so it will be left to discuss for my future blogs…But here just mention:
from multiprocessing import Pool
def main():
# Pool(2) means working with two threads
with Pool(2) as p:
# carried out some function, like subdir(input_dir)
print("Here it is")
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':