Books I read in 2020

2020 will mark its place in modern history and thank everyone, it is coming to an end now. Look back 2020, I have learnt a lot in this special year. Here I just want to share some books that I found most helpful! Streaming systems: The what, where, when and how of larege-scale data processing (By Tyler Akidau, Slava Chernyak, Reuven Lax) This is a very good book from Google.

Setup WSL2 (windows subsystem linux 2) in windows 10

Ever since Microsoft changed the CEO, it starts to embrace the open source world by annoucing new tools (VS code) as well as adding new features to windows. Now windows 10 becomes more friendly for developers. The feature we are going to test drive today is one of them. Background on WSL1/WSL2/Docker Thanks to the architecture of windows NT, it can actually “Simulate” any operation systems (OS) in the system level.

Kaggle: Home credit default risk 1: background and EDA

There are some general steps in predictive modeling that should work for all kinds of problem. Aside from science like predicting molecular orbital energies, bandgaps or chemical reactivity, other fields, like risk management, economic growth, are also important and should share some general principles. Here I trying to learn how risk management was done in its field. Risk management is the process by which risks are identified, assessed, measured and managed.

Using random forest to predict bandgaps and HOMOs

A new idea that we can bypass quantum chemistry calculation using the proper machine learning method is prevalent now. It will be exciting if we could have a second way to resolve objectives of material discovery quest rather than adopting Density functional theory (DFT) that is the principal method used now. Here I will primarily compare predictions from DFT and a popular machine learning method called the Random Forest (RF).

Kick start docker for a deeplearning environment

1. what is docker The first virtualization machine I setup was back to VMWare era. At that time, by using VMWare, you can install linux on a windows machine, and it is very useful too. For me at that time, knowing nothing about linux, I have to google everything, “how to start X window”, “how to restart service”, “how to install software”. So running the linux in an application-like manner, I can convienetly switch back to browser to search online.

Basics of the github workflow for a single user

In an earlier blog article, I wrote down some git workflow involved to in making this github page site ( And here, I will briefly write down a memo of github workflow for a single user. It is similar to git or gitlab workflow but more proper for the single user scenario. I assume you had setup an account on “” and also a new project on github. ​ The streamline of github workflow is like this:

VS code for building CC++ code using task.json 2.0.0

Vistual studio code is a modern UI using electron. It is like Vim/ Emacs that just focus on user interface. Then, if you want to use it as the IDE for certain programing language, like python, C, C++, javascript etc, you will need to configure it youself. And VS code become more popular after it has been the IDE coming with the Anaconde python package (Yes, it VS code looks better than spyder).